Van Singel Fine Arts Center
EntertainmentCommunity Organizations
Boxoffice hours: Monday-Friday, 12-5pm.
Summer hours: check website
Driving Directions:
Located in southern Kent County at 84th Street & Burlingame SW, Byron Center, MI. The facility is 1.5 miles west of US-131 on 84th Street and is situated at the east end of Byron Center High School.
About Us
Embracing Our Quality of Life
Few things contribute more to the vibrancy of a community than its appreciation for the arts. The surrounding region of commerce and service centers, its schools, and its neighborhoods all benefit. West Michigan benefits! Inevitable growth in the area reflects the appreciation for and accessibility to the arts. From families who value the fine arts as an essential part of their children’s development to the retiring population who seek accessible arts entertainment, the Van Singel Fine Arts Center has been the answer to these needs.
Building on Our Quality of Life
In the mid 1990’s, while Byron Center Public Schools was developing plans for a new high school, a group of parents and business leaders agreed that exposure to, and experience in, the arts were essential components to a well rounded life. They believed that the visual and performing arts:
• Enrich our world,
• Bring an appreciation for creativity and self-expression,
• Increase cultural awareness,
• And have the power to change lives.
This small group approached the Byron Center Public Schools Board of Education with a plan: build a state of the art, professional theatre within its new high school. The facility could attract national touring productions for the West Michigan community and students, and have an art gallery to showcase regional artists.
The Van Singel is this area's venue for student and community performances, theatre and music events, as well as national touring products.